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Tuesday 8 January 2013

Technology at a pace!

Hi, and Happy New year.Welcome to 2013 this a year which technology will take over love it or hate it you cant run away from it. Kenya has about 12 million who access internet 99 % actualy access through mobile phones so what does this actualy mean ? Shooting the bullet straight almost 2 million kenyans are in facebook and twitter so this means we are embracing technology.Talking about tech aren't you tired of strolling up to town in supermarkets and shops,travelling long distances to go to urban town just to buy your desired product let me introduce to you to the world of e-commerce where buyers meet sellers and shop there for your products if you are not shopping on (OLX) then u are definitely doing a deservice to yourself in there you can buy properties,cars,phones and many more and then pay through mpesa or you may meet with the seller to verify if the product is actually the one and security is highly assured. Lets move to another world of entertainment are you fed up with thd digital switch off log on to google and search ( and experience world class movies,unique tv shows that you will not find on your Tv screen and to also add series of different genres. Gadgets do you love them i do with samsung focused on making their Galaxy S4 their note is hitting big and their court rivalry with Apple is something to admire,but curiously are that innovative even after late steve jobs died he said that thea cant be an ipad mini but the people in his company proved him wrong and produced one.And more is to come all you have to be is wide awake!!!.Thanks.

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