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Friday 11 January 2013

Am sure you all witnessed and saw in the news with the new controvercy of the mp payrise.Yestardy mps concluded their term by awarding themselves goodies that would cost kenyans Sh 2.m billion this month.They also passed a Bill that guarantees them life-long security with bodyguards, diplomatic passports and a funeral paid for by the government. I f the President assents to the bill mastermined by Finance Minister Njeru Githae, each MP will get Sh 9.3 million when their term expires on Tuesday.The proposed law also guarantees MPs and their spouses unlimited access to the executive lounge for Very Important Persons at all the airports within the country.Besides that, all 42 Cabinate ministers and their 55 deputies will leave office with a driver paid for by the taxpayer.The lawmakers, in the night deal, quietly amended the law to be paid gratuity at 31 per cent to me this is insane and pliz Mr.President don't sign the bill.Thank you for reading. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER @jaymezkiama

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